Learning programme 

  Classes are offered either in regular 120 - minute blocks, or multiple-day courses and workshops, held on weekdays in the afternoons and early evening hours.

  • Painting (still life, landscape, urban space, figure drawing)
  • Painting (still life, landscape, urban space, figure drawing, fantasy)
  • Computer Modelling & Visualization
  • Photography
  • Special Techniques (silk painting, gilding, encaustic, asphalt painting and more ...)
  • Combined Technique
  • Basics of Filming

Semestrální výtvarné kurzy pro dospělé - TEL: 777 422 022 - ZÁPIS OTEVŘEN - rezervujte si své místo včas!!

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Our studio also holds art camps and workshops in the open air, with various themes
(landscape small scale, landscape large scale, architectural environments - exterior, interior, detail...).
External teachers from the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague, Brno, FVU, FA CTU in Prague are invited to all the open air workshops.

VŠUP in Prague, as consultants:

  • Landscape Drawing (detail, architectural space, natural landscape...)
  • Landscape Painting (detail, architectural space, natural landscape...)
  • Individual Programmes (according to skill level and course type)
  • Final Exhibition (artwork on display for public viewing)
  • Experimental Design (draft, sculpture)
  • Lectures by Leading Czech and Foreign Lecturers from Various Disciplines  


Quotes from an external teacher Martin Mainer:

"Our teaching approach aims to develop the kind of thinking, which allows the creation of art
at the highest possible level, under the given conditions and circumstances and depending on the teacher's personality and ability to teach... student’s talent, their diligence and ability to act, as well as to develop ... I think this is more or less successful... we like passionate, hardworking and positive people... a team, one must realize, is a powerful teacher and one of the major aspects of  the training and the opportunity to learn ...classes are of course very individual and respect the rhythm of developing artistic potential; only rarely, if at all, is someone discouraged, or directed in a different direction... supposedly my motto is, as Zbyňa Linhar once said:”let "us" flounder and wallow in the painting on our own”... the teacher is also an older colleague, who protects and guarantees the functioning of the studio... but why is the aesthetic such, and not different? both within the studio, as well as individually, and the types of approaches, philosophies etc. which the students use, are all completely the responsibility of the individual and their interaction and response to the school, teachers and life... we are a group of adults, free human beings - men and women - with the maximum tolerance and helpfulness to one another, and I hope more and more awareness responsibility for ourselves, our own artistic development, our direction and potential success and growth of our artistic and human personality... I always reiterate, much to the annoyance of some that we are spiritual being... therefore study in line with the visual arts and spiritual philosophy and systems of civilization and humanity in general....  the studio is open to all types of artistic expression, be it painting, intermediary or another... the instructors’ experience typically includes painting, drawing, graphics, small sculpture,
photography – standard type of stuff... nothing more... we love strong intelligent people.... don’t expect somebody to say to you: you shouldn’t do this, or you can’t do this... on the contrary, you can do anything, but of course we evaluate the quality and strength of presence and energy, the results of hard work... which we insist upon... "


  During our Oil Painting workshop, each of the participants will learn about the main instruments and tools used in oil painting.  Within this workshop you will try different painting techniques such as alla prima, alla impala or translucent glazing. Different types of paint coating and various tools will be explained as well. You’ll get accustomed to using brushes, palette knives, sponges, etc. and you will learn how to mix paints with different fillers and mediums. By the end of the workshop you will be familiar with different techniques, pigments and the basics of color mixing theory. Where? Fine Art Studio Balbínova 28, Praha 2 Vinohrady When? 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. (with a break for lunch) How much? Membership fee C (2800 CZK) Art supplies: All art supplies are included Reservation is necessary Scheduled dates: 19.3.2024, 18.5.2024 We recommend bringing...
"A unique artistic evening – combining drawing and painting with a glass of wine…" The course Painting a nude model with a Glass of Wine is an exceptional experience not only for beginners. Join us and get rid of the shame and try to paint the figure for the first time. It will be an enjoyable evening fulfilled of tasteful wine, music and graceful curves of our models.   Lekce je vedena zkušeným lektorem, který Vás krůček po krůčku povede kresbou figury od počátečního měření až po závěrečné stínování.  Více zde: https://www.malovanikresleni.cz/products/verejne-malovani-aktu/ Where? Fine Art Studio Balbínova 28, Praha 2 Vinohrady When? 8:15 p.m. - 10:15 p.m.  Dates: 19.3., 16.4., 14.5., 18.6.  Who?  Ing. Jiří Pekárek, PhD. How much? Membership fee C (800 CZK) Utilities: All utilities are available in the studio...
"Portrait is a visual task that has attracted mankind since the beginning of civilization, let us remember gods and their views on clay rollers, Egyptian portraits, Roman ... The portrait is a chance to look at each other for a long time, stop and don´t hurry, search on its face, expression, figure details, admire them and try them transfer in their distinctive splendor to paper so that the picture was similar as a person. You do not have all the details meticulously neat, try briskly insight to transfer what your "model" radiates. Keep him happy all the time, and your image, your hand movements will be recording it on paper..."   Are you drawing or trying to paint portraits at home by using photographs, looking in books or on the internet tutorials how to capture the face to get the "similar result"? Concepts such as perspective, ceiling, proportion, composition,...
"The painter must know at first that the truth is hidden in subtlety." (Su Tungpcho) During The Aquarelle Painting Workshop you will learn about different aquarelle painting technique. Together we will explore the possibilities that this medium offers. Aquarelle is often considered to be the "most difficult" painting technique, as it does not offer much space for corrections. With this workshop however, you will easily handle the aquarelle painting and you do not have to worry about messing it up. Aquarelle workshop is held in the creative atmosphere of the art studio. During warmer days we might go to paint in the local nearby parks where we will study space and color of the landscape. Where? Fine Art Studio Balbínova 28, Praha 2 Vinohrady When? 1 p.m. - 6 p.m. Who? MgA. Elena Gergová How much? Membership fee C (1800 CZK) Art supplies: All art supplies are...
"Do you admire expressionist paintings? They can brilliantly work with color, with its mass. How could they know how to make something so creative and free? Let's learn it by the gesture, spatula and smile with us."   In the workshop of Passionate Expression, each participant will learn the basic information about materials and pads for the painting and the basic principles of classical and modern paintings. We will try the technique of painting ala prima, we get acquainted with painting with impasto colors or transparent glaze, too. We will try different ways of applying paint and tools that are used for coating. We will paint with brush, spatula, sponge... we...
"Let's get to the mysteries of creating Japanese comics…" What is Manga? Manga is a name for a Japanese comics. By current statistics, about 450 000 000 Manga novels are sold in Japan every year (this doesn’t include Manga-magazines, comics notebooks, and comics e-books). The rising popularity of Manga not only in Japan but also in Europe and USA lead to a new form of Manga called West Manga which oftentimes looses it's visual quality. With this wide range of variants and styles, it is important to distinguish the classic forms of Manga so that we can choose a high quality Manga book to read.  Where? Atelier Balbínova 28, Prague 2 When? 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. (with a lunch break) How much? Membership fee C (1500 CZK) Art supplies: All art supplies are included Reservation is necessary Scheduled dates: 2.3.2024   Manga is mainly based on beauty and...
The First Step Into The World of Colors - suitable for beginners. Give yourself the gift of a lifetime and learn how to draw and paint! Our workshop "The first step into the world of colors" helps you to rediscover your ability to draw and paint, which we all used to have as children. The aim of the workshop is not to become a professional painter over the one day, but rather to learn how to overcome the barrier of "I can't". The tutor of the workshop will guide you during these first steps of drawing and painting so that you feel confident exploring your future creative activities by yourself.    Where? Fine Art Studio Balbínova 28, Praha 2 Vinohrady When? 11:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. How much? Membership fee C (1500 CZK) Art supplies: All art supplies are included  Reservation is necessary - please fill out our application form or register at...
Do you have an idea in your head, a vision? "Can you see your picture" already, and would you like to paint it? Do you feel an inspiration, and are you only a step away from that adventure of painting? You are in the right place!   The one-day workshop Acrylic Painting will teach you to step by step how to complete implementation of your ideas - the realization of the image. An experienced lecturer will gradually guide you from the topic search, through the first sketch to finishing the painting with colors painted on canvas. This one-day workshop is designed for beginners who have never painted, or for slightly advanced painters.  Maybe, sometimes, there is a moment when you have an idea in your head, a feeling that you want to make a painting, but you don't know how to start? Our teacher will take you through building the image and shows you a variety of tools, which you...
„ Do you also admire the magic reflections of the colorful vitrage in the cathedrals, are you blown away by the movie Amelia from Montmartre and her dreamy world of beads, metal strips and colorful mirrors? Are you interested in learning how to work with the glass? The course of Tiffany vitrage could be the right one for you then!“     The workshop of the Tiffany technique is led by an experienced teacher Ing. arch. Anna Kožuriková, who has many years of experience with the stained glass. The course is suitable even for beginners and it takes place in small groups of 3-4 participants or individually. In the course, we will be shown the basics of the glass craft and the technique of making stained glass, jewels, and small decorations. Within one day you can create and take away handcrafted vitrage, mirror or lamp. All the supplies will be available at your disposal. There is a...
  Are you not sure if is painting course right for you? Do not worry! We offer a trial lesson for indecisive people - you come into the studio, we will explain to you all about its functioning, the trainer will discuss with you your interests and tries to propose an appropriate way of learning you. Then you can be present at the 150-minute lesson, as you have been our students, and if you would like that lesson, you can log in a semester course.      BONUS for you: price for the trial lesson is 360 CZK - this price will be deducted from your tuition if at any time after...
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Workshopy - jednodenní výtvarné kurzy - PRAHA 2, BALBÍNOVA 28 - TEL: 777 422 022

2 v jednom. Studenti budou na začátku rozděleni do dvou skupin na začátečníky a pokročilejší, kteří již základy perspektivy ovládají. V těchto dvou malých (do 5 osob maximálně) skupinách pak bude probíhat výuka odlišně podle stupně pokročilosti budou voleny úkoly od jednoduchých po složitější....
Práce v terénu je chaotická a často přináší nepříznivé podmínky. Během šesti hodin si osvojíte schopnost zvládnout tyto podmínky a zachytit rychlé momenty krajiny a pohybující se lidi kolem nás. Na tomto workshopu půjdeme malovat do pražských parků. Vezmeme si přenosné malířské stojany,...
Zveme Vás na toulky Prahou. Pojďte s námi strávit dva krásné, tvůrčí dny spojené se skicováním. Pojďte se přesvědčit, že svět kolem sebe zvládnete zachytit do svého skicáku. Budeme se procházet po Starém Městě, vyprávět o nejvýznanějšíh památkách, ale i těch méňe známých. Seznámíme se s díly...
  "Také obdivujete obrazy expresionistů? Jak umí brilantně pracovat s barvou, s její hmotou. Jak dovedou volně tvořit a malovat? Pojďte se s námi naučit malovat třeba špachtlí a s úsměvem!"    V kurzu "Vášnivá exprese" jsme pro Vás připravili několik zajímavých technik a...
  Japonská kaligrafie šodó je výtvarným a zároveň meditativním způsobem psaní japonského textu, tvořeného čínskými znaky (kandži) a japonskými slabičnými abecedami (katakana, hiragana). Japonská kaligrafie – na rozdíl od evropské – klade větší důraz na proces psaní než...
  Unikátní umělecký večer - spojení kreslení a malování se sklenkou vína... Lekce Malování aktu se sklenkou vína je nevšedním zážitkem nejen pro začátečníky, kteří teprve pronikají do tajů kresby a malby. Pojďte s námi odhodit stud a zkusit si nakreslit první figuru v životě. Čeká...
Zažijte snídani v trávě po vzoru malířů konce 19. století a naučte se jejich vidění krajiny a malířským postupům pod širým nebem. Workshop je určen jak pro začínající, tak pro pokročilé malíře, kteří chtějí zažít autentickickou atmosféru plenérové malby. Workshop se ponese v poklidném a příjemném...
  Hedvábí je jemný a krásný přírodní materiál, máte chuť naučit se s ním pracovat?  V rámci kurzu malování na hedvábí pro začátečníky a mírně pokročilé se každý účastník naučí napnout hedvábný šátek či šál na rám, seznámí se se základními principy malby na...
  Máte v hlavě představu, myšlenku, skoro již "vidíte svůj obraz" a rádi byste si ho namalovali? Inspirací Vás svrbí prsty a jste krůček od toho pustit se do malování? Tak jste tu správně!   V rámci kurzu  Akrylová malba pro začátečníky si krůček po krůčku ukážeme práci s akrylovými...
  Workshop Street artu a graffiti nás seznámí s tématy a technikami, které používají streetartisté. Tradiční graffiti umělci tvoří "na ulici", mnohdy jejich obrazy a díla mají i několikametrové rozměry. Street art není jen "práce se sprejem", ale zahrnuje mnohem více technik a médií - jako...
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