Jak na moderní balení dárků?

19.12.2017 18:00

Také rádi balíte dárky, ale nelíbí se Vám barevné balicí papíry z obchodů?

Naše lektorka Tamara Vám ráda poradí a pomůže vytvořit originální, ekologický a přitom esteticky vypadající balicí papír. Přijďte v úterý 19. 12. 2017 od 18:00 do 20:00 načerpat nové nápady a pomalu začít s přípravami na Vánoce. 

Minimalistické balení dárků s použitím jednoduchých a kreativních technik nadchne Vás i Vaše blízké.  

Jak moderně zabalit dárek?

Celý článek zde... 


Kurz minimalistického balení dárků

  • Kde? Výtvarný ateliér Malování kreslení, Balbínova 28, Praha 2
  • Kdy? úterý 19. 12. 2017, 18:00 - 20:00
  • Kolik? 490 Kč, pomůcky v ceně
  • Rezervace míst na info@malovanikresleni.cz
S sebou si můžete vzít dárky, které na místě zabalíte. Pokud dárky s sebou mít nebudete, můžete si vytvořit balicí papír, jmenovky, přáníčka... Lektorka Vám také poví tipy, jak zabalit dárky neobvyklých tvarů. 
Vánoční balení dárků

Fotogalerie: Jak na moderní balení dárků?

Ho ho ho ! Till Christmas left just 9 days! It‘s time to dress up our gifts :)

Gift giving is important tradition during Christmas. Therefore, we all want that our gift would delight and cheer our loved ones.  One  way to make them happy and surprise is to wrap gift. Majority would agree with me that it is more nice to get wrapped gift than unwrapped. So, roll up your sleeves and start gifts wrapping ! 

Don‘t know how to wrap gifts? Don‘t wanna spend a lot of money for gift wrapping? Searching for original ideas? No worries it‘s not a problem, we are here to inspire and help you. :)

If you have never packed gift or your attempts to do it leads you to the burst with the anger, we recommend, you to start with a basic wrapping. You can check video below, by Hallmarks Giftology. Video slowly and in details explains how to pack presents.



Can you call yourself "a wrapping master"? If answer is YES, skip first video and move to the next one. 5- Minute Crafts presents video by gift wrapping artist Shiho Masuda. In video is represented 8 original and inspirational ways how to wrap presents. Artist shows how easy is to pack regular or irregular shape gifts and make them look original. Even simple soap or shower gel packed in her proposed manner will look better. So check this out. :)



Every year we spend a lot of money not just for gifts but as well for wrapping remedies. This year can be different. We suggest some budget friendly wrapping ideas which you have never thought about.  

We believe, that many of you have some old no longer used shirt, newspaper or magazine, map or baking paper at your homes. So, during this Christmas season you can use them for wrapping gifts. This not just will save you bunch of money but, also will make gifts look extraordinary.


INTERESTING. Have you ever thought where from came gift wrapping paper and idea to wrap gifts ? 

  • Well, we should look back to the deep history, cause it‘s origins are in Asia. First utilization of wrapping paper was recorded in China 100 BC. It is believed that it was used for protecting items from damage.
  • Later, during Victorian times was developed idea of artistic gift wrapping which was inspired by Christmas card.  In this period Christmas papers were printed and ornamented with lace and ribbon.
  • The main revolution in wrapping paper from decorative paper tissues, which was used back then, to the wrapping paper, which we use today, was implemented by brother Hallmarks in 1917. They story is quite interesting, cause they founded wrapping paper by coincident. During Christmas season brother Hallmark shop ran out of decorative paper tissues, so they decided try to sell decorative French paper which was usually used for lining envelopes. Brother Hallmarks attempt was successful, they stroke the gold. After few years they began to produce wrapping paper.

If you prefer not virtual but live way to learn and get new ideas about gift wrapping we invite you to Gift Wrapping Workshop organized by Malovani Kresleni on 19. 12. 2017 at 18:00.

Happy Holidays. :)

Workshopy - jednodenní výtvarné kurzy - PRAHA 2, BALBÍNOVA 28 - TEL: 777 422 022

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