Experience Kafka's Metamorphoses - Become a Bug

21.02.2018 13:58

By Gerda Žemaityté

01/25 to 03/31 in GOETHER INSTITUTE in Prague

Recently I was visiting Goethe institute where an interesting project is currently available. I would like to share my experience and invite you to experience it by yourself.
Film school of Prague and their partners created VIRTUAL REALITY model based by F. Kafka’s novel Metamorphoses. Model is made to look like the room of the main character Gregor.




Visitors are invited to experience virtual reality through a nice short game. The main goal of the game is to find the key and open the door. Key is hidden somewhere in the virtual room model and since you enter virtual reality you are Gregor by itself. You can even see you metamorphoses and become the bug. You can see yourself in the virtual mirror and while you are searching for the key you can see your legs and hands as bug body parts.

(view in the screen how the player is performing)

Room is small, just few square meters, but it is enough to take a walk and feel weird and thrilling feeling while being in different dimension. You are given a helmet, gloves and slippers with special equipment connected to them. Experience takes you to Gregor's room for 3-5 minutes and you feel like you really entered different place then before putting equipment on. Small area with dark curtains transforms to a space with bed, mirror, window, writing table and small closets. You can hear the noise and voices behind the door. They are leading you to search for the key and open the door.

Kafka Virtual reality

(real space where you enter the virtual reality game)

The game is interesting by itself because it is not for wining. It is made for the viewer to be able to observe the room, experience the atmosphere and try virtual reality idea. It is nice to see and hear your moves and feel like different body owner. Also it is nice because it is based on F. Kafka’s novel and lets you to be introduced with the story.

Even if I am against virtual reality to be a part in our everyday life, for the game it is nice and interesting. I don’t mind to have it as an educational or entertainment form till it doesn’t control or makes difference to your daily life.

I invite you to try it and spend few minutes in the Gregor's bug skin and feel the atmosphere of different space and time.

This project is open from 01/25 to 03/31 in GOETHE INSTITUTE in Prague.

Workshopy - jednodenní výtvarné kurzy - PRAHA 2, BALBÍNOVA 28 - TEL: 777 422 022

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