Welcome to the fine art studio - with us everyone will learn to paint!

"Fine Art Studio Malovani kresleni, z.s. is a non-profit organization whose goal is to provide teaching art to children, youth, adults and seniors in the highest possible quality and level. Art courses are conducted by academic painters, sculptors, architects and designers. Visit us to see the quality of our services!"
Contact us! 

Ing. arch Nina Hedwic Mainerová, director

Fine art studio Malování a kreslení - drawing and painting lessons

In our studio we welcome all those interested in teaching drawing, painting and other artistic techniques. Our fine art studio in Prague is open to all who are interested in learning how to draw, paint and/or experiment with other artistic techniques. Our classes cater to developing artists of all ages and skill levels, from pre-school children to adults. We recognize that each student is unique, and therefore offer customized classes to meet individual needs. We take great pleasure in nurturing and guiding each student to their highest artistic potential in a relaxing and supportive atmosphere.

For someone, enjoyment and relaxation may be all he wish for in a class, while others require more focused and intensive approach, such as putting together a professional portfolio and preparing for high school / university entrance exams.

Our experienced team of instructors offers assistance in preparing for entrance exams to the following schools: School of Architecture (FA CTU in Prague, Prague Academy of Applied Arts, Prague Academy of Fine Arts, FA Brno, FA Liberec) and School of Design (Academy of Fine Arts in Prague, Academy of Applied Arts in Prague).

Our fine art studio offers regular 2-hour classes, or multi-day workshops.

We also have an active architectural studio, where students have the opportunity to look behind the scenes of building design and discuss their work with qualified architects and designers, as part of the university preparation courses.

We offer a variety of courses, from traditional drawing and painting, open air painting, oil painting, watercolour painting, figurative drawing, evening drawing, silk painting, through to computer graphics, screenwriting, set design and the basics of filming...

We are looking forward to meet you! The studio team and Nina Hedwic.

If you have any questions, please contact us.
If you have any questions, get in touch, or phone us to arrange a studio visit at Balbínova 28, Praha 2.
See Contact

Semestral courses

  Have you completed our Drawing and Painting Course and are looking to experiment with something new? Do you have a desire to explore different means of expression and try various media? This course is perfect for you! Under the guidance of our excellent teacher, Adrian Bell, you'll learn to see things from a new perspective and develop your...
    Semestral Drawing and Painting Course (19 lessons, 120 min) This course is intended for the general public without an upper age limit. The lower age limit is determined through a personal consultation between the instructor, you, and your child. The course is suitable for beginners, intermediate, and advanced students. The course...
Figure Drawing and Painting Are you interested in exploring one of mankind's oldest preserved creative activities? Do you wish to discover your ability to capture the beauty of the human body? Are you eager to learn how to skillfully and accurately draw human proportions? The art studio lessons cater to anyone fascinated by the centuries-old...
  Our Drawing and Painting course for seniors is perfect for retirees who have a passion for art. Whether it's your mother, father, grandparents, or aunt who loves painting and drawing, treat them to a gift they'll truly enjoy—a course at our studio. This semester-long course (19 lessons, 120 minutes each) is open to everyone, with no upper...
"Let's go to French Montmartre, let´s touch the extraordinary age when modern fine art was formed…"   Beaux-Arts Course: French Painting and Drawing Education In the Beaux-Arts Atelier of Painting and Drawing, led by academic painter Ildar Yussoupov, we delve into the traditional methods that shaped French and global art during the 19th and...
Are you preparing yourself for entrance exams for design and architectural faculties? We have created intensive preparation courses for talent exams for technical type art universities." Preparatory course architecture/design is useful for students, who plan to sign up for entrance exams at architecture and design universities. We will help you...
  During this semestral Ceramic Course, you will explore fundamental techniques in working with clay (coil building, slab construction, sculptural methods, wheel throwing, molding) and decorating ceramics (engobes, various glazing techniques, glass decoration). You will also learn the basics of drawing and painting on ceramics, which...
“Is fine artist profession your dream? We will help you with preparation for the talent exams!”   Description of a course „Preparation for Talent Exams at Art Schools“– AVU, FAVU, UMPRUM…: The course takes mostly a form of consultation and analysis of the artistic creations of our students, according to which individual tasks are given,...
Under the tutelage of professional lector, academic painter, for whom watercolor is one of his favorite techniques. The aim of the course is to familiarize yourself with this painting technique, with its history, with various possibilities of painting with watercolor and then you will be able to use it in your own artwork. Why paint with...
  In the framework of the Graphics course, we get into the history of graphics and we will get to know tools for creating graphics and their possibilities and applying them in various techniques. We go through various graphics techniques such as depth printing, printing from a height, monotype creation and other combined...
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