Learning programme 

  Classes are offered either in regular 120 - minute blocks, or multiple-day courses and workshops, held on weekdays in the afternoons and early evening hours.

  • Painting (still life, landscape, urban space, figure drawing)
  • Painting (still life, landscape, urban space, figure drawing, fantasy)
  • Computer Modelling & Visualization
  • Photography
  • Special Techniques (silk painting, gilding, encaustic, asphalt painting and more ...)
  • Combined Technique
  • Basics of Filming

Semestrální výtvarné kurzy pro dospělé - TEL: 777 422 022 - ZÁPIS OTEVŘEN - rezervujte si své místo včas!!

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Our studio also holds art camps and workshops in the open air, with various themes
(landscape small scale, landscape large scale, architectural environments - exterior, interior, detail...).
External teachers from the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague, Brno, FVU, FA CTU in Prague are invited to all the open air workshops.

VŠUP in Prague, as consultants:

  • Landscape Drawing (detail, architectural space, natural landscape...)
  • Landscape Painting (detail, architectural space, natural landscape...)
  • Individual Programmes (according to skill level and course type)
  • Final Exhibition (artwork on display for public viewing)
  • Experimental Design (draft, sculpture)
  • Lectures by Leading Czech and Foreign Lecturers from Various Disciplines  


Quotes from an external teacher Martin Mainer:

"Our teaching approach aims to develop the kind of thinking, which allows the creation of art
at the highest possible level, under the given conditions and circumstances and depending on the teacher's personality and ability to teach... student’s talent, their diligence and ability to act, as well as to develop ... I think this is more or less successful... we like passionate, hardworking and positive people... a team, one must realize, is a powerful teacher and one of the major aspects of  the training and the opportunity to learn ...classes are of course very individual and respect the rhythm of developing artistic potential; only rarely, if at all, is someone discouraged, or directed in a different direction... supposedly my motto is, as Zbyňa Linhar once said:”let "us" flounder and wallow in the painting on our own”... the teacher is also an older colleague, who protects and guarantees the functioning of the studio... but why is the aesthetic such, and not different? both within the studio, as well as individually, and the types of approaches, philosophies etc. which the students use, are all completely the responsibility of the individual and their interaction and response to the school, teachers and life... we are a group of adults, free human beings - men and women - with the maximum tolerance and helpfulness to one another, and I hope more and more awareness responsibility for ourselves, our own artistic development, our direction and potential success and growth of our artistic and human personality... I always reiterate, much to the annoyance of some that we are spiritual being... therefore study in line with the visual arts and spiritual philosophy and systems of civilization and humanity in general....  the studio is open to all types of artistic expression, be it painting, intermediary or another... the instructors’ experience typically includes painting, drawing, graphics, small sculpture,
photography – standard type of stuff... nothing more... we love strong intelligent people.... don’t expect somebody to say to you: you shouldn’t do this, or you can’t do this... on the contrary, you can do anything, but of course we evaluate the quality and strength of presence and energy, the results of hard work... which we insist upon... "


ainting on silk is centuries old technique that came from Asia. In the course painting on silk or silk “stained glass,” we will show you the basic principles of painting on silk. We can paint on silk scarf -  we have several different sizes, or you can choose wheel silk stretched over a metal frame with a diameter of 20 or 30 cm.   We will show you the technique of painting on dry -  contour painting then fill it with color, and painting on wet – using watercolor. We will try batik and effects that may develop in the colors while using salt. We will paint with brushes, sponge ... try the technique imprinting, learn to combine colors and take steps to the final image.   Each child will receive a silk scarf or one wheel of their choice. The lesson doesn’t require any special artistic talent, for inexperienced painters have prepared a book with templates where...
Course throwing on the potter's wheel is designed for all those who desire to work with ceramic clay. The aim of the course is to potter necessary theoretical and practical knowledge and learn the procedures for creating freehand.   Throwing on the potter's wheel attracts both children and adults. Work with clay is a pleasant relaxation associated with creating a homemade vessel. Course throwing on the wheel, it is possible to devote as a gift, we will issue you a voucher.   Where? Fine Art Studio Balbínova 28, Praha 2 Vinohrady When? the lesson takes 3hrs / week or weekend How much? Membership fee C (2500 CZK) Utilities: All utilities are available in the studio for free Reservation is necessary Scheduled dates: we arrange dates with you individually according to your time  
  "Artistic expression of each of us is unique. The point is to find his own creativity and desire to start! The workshops I lead to joyful meeting full of inspiration and new ideas. I support students in the creativity and mutual inspiration. The most important and most valuable is the feedback that you can give everyone on the team. Believe you will discover in yourself so many ideas and original vision that you will awaken your creativity. Come and spend a wonderful time in a pleasant environment with good music and support from lector. I am looking forward to meeting you!" Lector Katka   What Is the Vision of the Workshop? The workshop is suitable for those who have lots of interesting ideas but do not know how to implement them. The creative course emphasizes the individuality of each student. We are all unique and inspiring artists beings, so why not try it out just in...
Bob Ross / Gary Jenkins ® Oil Painting Courses - The Joy of Painting ® - painting course for everyone with the special technique by American painter Bob Ross. In just one day, each of the participants (even those who never did paint) - paints his own first painting with oil paints on canvas.  Painting is the technique with a big brush which is even for small children. We will paint on the wet basis - the technique of "wet on wet". The Bob Ross as well Gary Jenkins‘® technique is a very simple and fast method that will encourage beginners in overcoming the respect for painting and clean canvas. This technique is based on the principle that all participants follow the gradual instructions of creation of a particular painting, learning to put the color in a particular way, the painting is formed in single steps that the lecturer will always...
Art Pastel Course is suitable for beginners.   During the course, participants will practically learn about soft and hard art pastels and theory with oil pastels. Dry pastels beautifully form in color, creating a very soft velvety color drawing. Let's try drawing on different types of paper surfaces. Dry pastel suitable for drawing and painting, where it is necessary to create the impression of a smooth transition (especially for portraits, landscapes, figures). The greasy pastel is its characteristic closer to painting with oil. Beautifully work with it in detail and a hatch area. Let's try drawing on different colored surfaces. Oil pastels are very adherent to the substrate and can be heated (hair dryer) or turpentine wash to paint like an oil painting.   Where? Fine Art Studio Balbínova 28, Praha 2 Vinohrady When? 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. with a break for lunch How...
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Workshopy - jednodenní výtvarné kurzy - PRAHA 2, BALBÍNOVA 28 - TEL: 777 422 022

  Japonská kaligrafie šodó je výtvarným a zároveň meditativním způsobem psaní japonského textu, tvořeného čínskými znaky (kandži) a japonskými slabičnými abecedami (katakana, hiragana). Japonská kaligrafie – na rozdíl od evropské – klade větší důraz na proces psaní než...
Zažijte snídani v trávě po vzoru malířů konce 19. století a naučte se jejich vidění krajiny a malířským postupům pod širým nebem. Workshop je určen jak pro začínající, tak pro pokročilé malíře, kteří chtějí zažít autentickickou atmosféru plenérové malby. Workshop se ponese v poklidném a příjemném...
  "Malíř musí už na počátku poznat, že to pravé se skrývá v jemnosti a subtilnosti.“       (Su Tung- pcho)   V rámci kurzu Malba akvarelem se seznámíme s technikou malování vodovými neboli akvarelovými barvami, ukážeme si, jaké možnosti tento způsob malby nabízí, jak...
  "Pojďme proniknout do tajů vytváření japonského komiksu..." Co je to Manga? Manga je pojmenováním pro japonský komiks. Podle posledních údajů se v Japonsku prodá okolo 450 000 000 výtisků mangy ročně (co nezahrnuje prodej manga-magazínů, komiksových sešitů a komiksů prodaných jako ebook). S...
Náplní kurzu je představení jedné z nejzákladnějších a nejstarších technik tisku z výšky – Linorytu. Zájemci o tuto výtvarnou techniku budou seznámeni se stručnou historií této techniky, a i s jejími významnými představiteli. Seznámí se s principy tisku z výšky, dále mu budou představeny nástroje...
  První krůček do světa barev - pro úplné začátečníky - věnujte si dárek na celý život, naučte se s námi kreslit a malovat!   Kurz První krůček do světa barev Vám pomůže znovuobjevit schopnost kreslení a malování, kterou jsme měli jako děti. Cílem kurzu není z Vás během jednoho dne...
Podzimní workshop pro děti od 6 let s vernisáží a malováním venku (za hezkého počasí) Určeno pro všechny, kdo má rád podzim s jeho zemitými barvami, kouzlem různobarevných stromů, zvláštním světlem, stíny babího léta.   Starší děti mohou napodobit podzimní přírodu na obrazech slavných...
--  "Pojďte s námi vstoupit do magického světa vytváření mandaly... Věnujte čas sobě, svému obrazu a užijte si s námi příjemné chvíle v ateliéru. Vstupujete do důležité části svého života a chcete ji opečovat rituálem malování mandaly? Malujte jen tak a nechte věci, ať se dějí samy..." V...
  Kurz Umělecký pastel je vhodný i pro úplné začátečníky, i pro děti od 10 let, které vydrží několik hodin tvořit   V rámci kurzu se účastníci seznámí prakticky se suchými uměleckými pastely, a teoreticky s olejovými a mastnými pastely. Suchým pastelem se...
  Máte v hlavě představu, myšlenku, skoro již "vidíte svůj obraz" a rádi byste si ho namalovali? Inspirací Vás svrbí prsty a jste krůček od toho pustit se do malování? Tak jste tu správně!   V rámci kurzu  Akrylová malba pro začátečníky si krůček po krůčku ukážeme práci s akrylovými...
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