Book launch Pozpátku kolem zeměkoule

07/12/2016 17:00

We  would like to invite you to the book launch Pozpátku kolem zeměkoule, which is held on Wednesday 7. 12. 2016 at 17:00 at Café New Gallery. The authors are travelers Katka Krejčová and Peter Ptáčník, who toured the world in 484 days, the godfather of the book will be actor Pavel Liška.

  • Café Nová galerie, Balbínova 26, Praha 2
  • Wednesday 7. 12. 2016 od 17:00
  • event on facebook

During the event will be autograph too.

Those of you who financially supported Kates and Peters book on will have a chance to recive reward.


Pozpátku kolem zeměkoule



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