Gallery Malování kreslení - Expose your artworks and make your dreams come true!

Would you like to present your artworks or paintings on the place where they will be seen by hundreds of people every week? There is nothing easier!

Contact us we will be glad to arrange the date of your exhibition, installation and vernissage. The only limitation is the space of a gallery - size 5 x 4 m, "curatorial duties" are fully in your hands and imagination.The Gallery Malování kreslení space is suitable for amateur painters and artists, for those of us who have painting like a hobby and who would like to enjoy their paintings (or artistic creations) with others.

You did not had a chance to expose your works before? It does not matter! We will be glad to help you!

  • Fine art studio can prepare a graphic representation of the exhibition invitation
  • we will help you to provide hostesses for vernissage
  • the studio can provide you with the professional photographer for the installation and opening
  • the exhibitor will bring his paintings, arrange his/her installation and insurance
  • the duration of the exhibition is 1 month

How much does it cost?

  • the exhibition is free, only rent a gallery is 3000 CZK.
  • for Fine art studio studio members  50% discount

What can we provide for your exhibition?

  • graphical invitation form
  • hostesses for opening
  • promotion of the event
  • photo documentation
  • the exhibition may be selling type, Fine art studio does not take commission on the sold works
  • Fine art studio is not liable for exhibited works (we will be glad to help you with the insurance)
Every week hundreds of people visit our gallery and art studio. Art courses, lectures and seminars are also held in the Gallery itself. So that’s why your exhibited subjects will be seen by thousands eyes of potential buyers. Let us know, we will be glad to help you prepare your exhibition!

Are you interested in having an Exhibition? Contact us today!

Exhibition terms of Gallery Malování kreslení

8. 11. 2019 free term
11. 10. 2019 Lukáš Mach
13. 9. 2019 Mariana Kochrdová
16. 8. 2019 Gerda Fedorová
19. 7. 2019 Oleksandra Berezhne
21. 6. 2019 Matěj Bárta
24. 5. 2019 Milada Ditrichová
26. 4. 2019 Jaromír Fůra   
29. 3. 2019 Eva Rokosová
1. 3. 2019 Věra Angerová
1. 2. 2019 Saša Dědová
4. 1. 2019 Janka Řeháková


30. 11. 2018 Brigita Širlová
2. 11. 2018 Marie Smrčková
5. 10. 2018 Olga Volfová
31. 8. 2018 Marcel Pasteka
27. 7. 2018 Blanka Banasiková
29. 6. 2018 Ewa Gaj
1. 6. 2018 Vendulka Riedlová
4. 5. 2018 Robert Ingelse
6. 4. 2018 Tamara Shmidt se studenty
2. 3. 2018 Tereza a Eliška Horálkovy
2. 2. 2018 Eva Sklenková
5. 1. 2018 Timea Valsami


Exhibitions in Gallery Malování kreslení


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