Learning programme 

  Classes are offered either in regular 120 - minute blocks, or multiple-day courses and workshops, held on weekdays in the afternoons and early evening hours.

  • Painting (still life, landscape, urban space, figure drawing)
  • Painting (still life, landscape, urban space, figure drawing, fantasy)
  • Computer Modelling & Visualization
  • Photography
  • Special Techniques (silk painting, gilding, encaustic, asphalt painting and more ...)
  • Combined Technique
  • Basics of Filming

Semestrální výtvarné kurzy pro dospělé - TEL: 777 422 022 - ZÁPIS OTEVŘEN - rezervujte si své místo včas!!

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Our studio also holds art camps and workshops in the open air, with various themes
(landscape small scale, landscape large scale, architectural environments - exterior, interior, detail...).
External teachers from the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague, Brno, FVU, FA CTU in Prague are invited to all the open air workshops.

VŠUP in Prague, as consultants:

  • Landscape Drawing (detail, architectural space, natural landscape...)
  • Landscape Painting (detail, architectural space, natural landscape...)
  • Individual Programmes (according to skill level and course type)
  • Final Exhibition (artwork on display for public viewing)
  • Experimental Design (draft, sculpture)
  • Lectures by Leading Czech and Foreign Lecturers from Various Disciplines  


Quotes from an external teacher Martin Mainer:

"Our teaching approach aims to develop the kind of thinking, which allows the creation of art
at the highest possible level, under the given conditions and circumstances and depending on the teacher's personality and ability to teach... student’s talent, their diligence and ability to act, as well as to develop ... I think this is more or less successful... we like passionate, hardworking and positive people... a team, one must realize, is a powerful teacher and one of the major aspects of  the training and the opportunity to learn ...classes are of course very individual and respect the rhythm of developing artistic potential; only rarely, if at all, is someone discouraged, or directed in a different direction... supposedly my motto is, as Zbyňa Linhar once said:”let "us" flounder and wallow in the painting on our own”... the teacher is also an older colleague, who protects and guarantees the functioning of the studio... but why is the aesthetic such, and not different? both within the studio, as well as individually, and the types of approaches, philosophies etc. which the students use, are all completely the responsibility of the individual and their interaction and response to the school, teachers and life... we are a group of adults, free human beings - men and women - with the maximum tolerance and helpfulness to one another, and I hope more and more awareness responsibility for ourselves, our own artistic development, our direction and potential success and growth of our artistic and human personality... I always reiterate, much to the annoyance of some that we are spiritual being... therefore study in line with the visual arts and spiritual philosophy and systems of civilization and humanity in general....  the studio is open to all types of artistic expression, be it painting, intermediary or another... the instructors’ experience typically includes painting, drawing, graphics, small sculpture,
photography – standard type of stuff... nothing more... we love strong intelligent people.... don’t expect somebody to say to you: you shouldn’t do this, or you can’t do this... on the contrary, you can do anything, but of course we evaluate the quality and strength of presence and energy, the results of hard work... which we insist upon... "


"New technique that grabs you by the heart – water-mixable oil paints”   Are you shaking your head in disbelief? Cobra Water Mixable Oils are artist-quality oil paints that mix with water and yet behave just like traditional oil paints. The incredible advantage of Cobra oils is that they can be thinned and cleaned without toxic solvents. Using them protects your health and the environment.   During this oil painting course, each participant will get acquainted with the basic principles of classic and modern oil painting. Moreover, everyone will learn how to stretch their own canvas over a frame and learn to apply an isolation coat and varnish on it correctly. Students will also get familiar with various tools, different types of paint coating and techniques used in the oil painting. Within a one day course, we will try painting techniques like ala prima, impasto or transparent...
 "Dive into the world of classical sculpture, Learn to practice realistic modeling of clay sculpture by nature in scale 1:1"   This sculpture workshop is for anyone who wants to learn how to make a model by nature or need to prepare for entrance exams of sculpture or design fields. We will model a portrait of a live model (you can have your own model ) or relief as the original. Our results then we will cast in plaster, which can be arbitrarily patinate and colorize. Each participant will take home after the end of the workshop (or take) home own statue or relief.   Where? Fine Art Studio Balbínova 28, Praha 2 Vinohrady When? 5:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. / Friday, 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. / Saturday + Sunday How much? Membership fee C (5500 CZK) Utilities: All utilities are available in the studio for free Reservation is necessary: by submitting the application...
  Turkish technique of painting on water will let us peek into unusual painting technique, which is great for experimentation. Ebru technique takes patience, precision, and calmness, but also encourages creativity and imagination.   Every child will get to know surfaces and tools for this painting technique, learn how to prepare the bath and colors, try to create simple or complex shapes. There will be a variety of devices such as droppers, combs, sticks ... which will shape your "drops" into flowers, balloons, or ghosts :) Or we can try a simple marbling, which would be nice to decorate bookmarks in books.   Each child will receive several Ebru sheets of paper that can be used as a decorative wrapping paper for small gifts, the base for decoration or as a self-made cover for your notebook.   Where? Art studio in Prague 2 - Balbínova 28 When? 9:00 -...
In the course Oil Painting with Waterborne Paints, your child can become a real artist! Would your child like to paint at the easel to the canvas, just like the old masters? In our studio it's possible! :) Within-day workshop you get to know the innovative technique of painting with water-borne oil paints, which behave as classical oil paints but have the advantage that it doesn’t need to be thinned with turpentine or other "smelly" medium :) We will try painting a la prima - the colors directly on the canvas, painting impasto paint, and transparent layers. We will paint with brush, spatula, sponge ... we learn to combine colors to each other and the painting process so that everyone can have a painting of their dreams at the end of the course.   Where? Fine art studio in Prague 2 - Balbínova 28 When? 9:00 am - 12:00 pm Who? youth (12 -18 years) How much? membership...
"Are you a little tired, uninspired and without new ideas? Do you feel like to "get out" somewhere? Are you attracted to paint and draw directly in nature? Would you like to enjoy a nice time filled with painting, painting, and painting again? Leave your everyday worries for a moment and come and join us for this enjoyable activity!" Come and join us in experiencing the pictorial Provence, birthplace, and place of work of many famous painters, an area of Europe where the colours are more intensive and shiny. The plein air painting in Provence is a challenge for those who would like to try painting in the romantic nature of the Giens peninsula while relaxing and bathing by the sand beach. Within the education we will get to know the history of the local painters, their way of painting and use of colors, we will try their painting techniques and of course painting in the open...
Do you paint but you miss the theoretical basics? Do you plan to start painting and you would like „to be ready technologically?“ The lecture Techniques of painting and painting layers will lead us through the individual phases of working on the painting step by step and understandably. From preparing the canvas or other surfaces, priming, underdrawing, imprimatura, underpainting, to painting, glazing, retouch, and varnish. We will also find out how to recycle or use a „failed“ picture again for a new painting. We will get to know which steps are necessary and which can be skipped or repeated under certain conditions. We will be told what to do so that the painting does not bring complications and how to technologically proceed the painting to avoid crackling or other unwanted effects caused by time. A discussion during which it will be possible to ask questions to the lecturer will be...
  The course Painting on Mugs is suitable for children of age 4 years and up. Within the painting art workshop each participant will prepare a self-painted mug. In the studio we prepared inspirational images for children, but you can also bring your favorite theme with you - in the form of photographs, books or image.   The course takes place in an art studio, which is specially equipped not only for the creation but also for the well-being of everyone. During the workshop, you can listen to music and make some tea. The course is suitable for beginners.     Where? Fine art studio in Prague 2 - Balbínova 28 When? 1:30 pm - 4:30 pm Who? Children (4-18 years) How much? membership fee C (490 CZK) What to bring? supplies included Reservation is necessary: by submitting the application for you commit yourself to pay the advance...
Painting on silk is centuries old technique that came from Asia. In the course painting on silk or silk “stained glass,” we will show you the basic principles of painting on silk. We can paint on silk scarf -  we have several different sizes, or you can choose wheel silk stretched over a metal frame with a diameter of 20 or 30 cm.   We will show you the technique of painting on dry -  contour painting then fill it with color, and painting on wet – using watercolor. We will try batik and effects that may develop in the colors while using salt. We will paint with brushes, sponge ... try the technique imprinting, learn to combine colors and take steps to the final image.   Each child will receive a silk scarf or one wheel of their choice. The lesson doesn’t require any special artistic talent, for inexperienced painters have prepared a book with templates...
We connect henna to the natural hair coloring, where are used its healing qualities - regeneration, hardening, skin care. For centuries henna was used not only for strengthen hair, but especially in the Middle East as a mean of beautifying the whole body with paintings as wedding or dancer’s tattoo.   Where? Fine Art Studio Balbínova 26, Praha 2 Vinohrady When? 10:00 – 16:00 How much? Membership fee C (1650 Kč) Utilities? All utilities are available in the studio Reservation is necessary: by submitting the application for you commit yourself to pay the advance deposit of 500 CZK within 2 days from receiving the confirmation Scheduled dates: 28. 4., 1. 6., 22. 6. 2019   Within the weekend meeting Mehndí (temporary henna skin decorating) we will get acquainted with the basics of natural henna painting. During getting over different styles of the...
In the Pyrography course, we paint the boards with soldering iron. We will learn how to transfer your idea from paper to wood, we get to know with the line, hatching, shading. Each participant will receive a self-painted plank with a diameter of 22 cm with a cut groove.   Pyrography -  the art technique of painting with "Fire" on wood or leather. Soldering iron have changeable spikes, each spike leaves a special trace. With each choice of the tip, firing temperature, inclination and time of contact with the material, we can achieve different shades and intensities hatch can achieve specific details and subtleties of pencil drawings on paper. Pyrography painting technique is beautiful because its based on simple drawing, texturing, shading and sharp moves.   The course is suitable for young people from 12 years. Where? Fine art studio in Prague 2 - Balbínova...
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Workshopy - jednodenní výtvarné kurzy - PRAHA 2, BALBÍNOVA 28 - TEL: 777 422 022

  Stínování je jedna ze základních věcí, které by měl člověk zvládat, pokud se věnuje kresbě či malbě, přesto řadě lidí činí značné potíže. V rámci workshopu se tedy zaměříme na tuto oblast přednostně, před ostatními prvky kresby. Na začátek si řekneme pár věcí o vlastnostech světla, jaký je...
  Hedvábí je jemný a krásný přírodní materiál, máte chuť naučit se s ním pracovat?  V rámci kurzu malování na hedvábí pro začátečníky a mírně pokročilé se každý účastník naučí napnout hedvábný šátek či šál na rám, seznámí se se základními principy malby na...
  Máte chuť si vyzkoušet jednu z nejstarších dochovaných tvůrčích činností lidí? Chcete v sobě objevit schopnosti zobrazení krásy lidského těla? Chcete umět nakreslit zručně a správně proporce lidského těla? Lekce v uměleckém atelieru je určena komukoli, kdo má zájem poodkrýt každičký aspekt...
Malování venku pod širým nebem a spojení s technikou akvarelu zaručuje nádherně strávený den v parku s barvami. Budeme malovat přírodu, pokusíme se přenést na speciální akvarelový papír její barvy, emoce, náladu okamžiku. Děti jsou ve své bezprostřednosti přímo předurčeni k práci s barvami, které...
  Unikátní umělecký večer - spojení kreslení a malování se sklenkou vína... Lekce Malování aktu se sklenkou vína je nevšedním zážitkem nejen pro začátečníky, kteří teprve pronikají do tajů kresby a malby. Pojďte s námi odhodit stud a zkusit si nakreslit první figuru v životě. Čeká...
  Kreslíte či zkoušíte doma malovat portréty podle fotografií, hledáte v knihách či na internetu návody, jak zachytit tvář, aby si výsledek byl podobný? Pojmy jako perspektiva, podhled, nadhled, proporce, kompozice, stínování možná již znáte, ale jak s nimi pracovat při samotném...
  V rámci kurzu Olejomalby pro začátečníky se každý účastník seznámí s podklady a podložkami pro olejomalbu, seznámí se se základními principy klasické a moderní olejomalby. Naučíme se přenášet předlohu na plátno, seznámíte se s pojmy jako je podmalba, imprimitura či malba ala prima....
  Workshop Street artu a graffiti nás seznámí s tématy a technikami, které používají streetartisté. Tradiční graffiti umělci tvoří "na ulici", mnohdy jejich obrazy a díla mají i několikametrové rozměry. Street art není jen "práce se sprejem", ale zahrnuje mnohem více technik a médií - jako...
  Kurz Umělecký pastel je vhodný i pro úplné začátečníky, i pro děti od 10 let, které vydrží několik hodin tvořit   V rámci kurzu se účastníci seznámí prakticky se suchými uměleckými pastely, a teoreticky s olejovými a mastnými pastely. Suchým pastelem se...
  "Také obdivujete obrazy expresionistů? Jak umí brilantně pracovat s barvou, s její hmotou. Jak dovedou volně tvořit a malovat? Pojďte se s námi naučit malovat třeba špachtlí a s úsměvem!"    V kurzu "Vášnivá exprese" jsme pro Vás připravili několik zajímavých technik a...
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